1. Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO):-  The computer lacks common sense thus incorrect input leads to incorrect output.

2. Lack of Decision Making Power:-  The computer cannot decide on its own and thus is unable to make a decision.

3. Software Limitation:-  Special software is required to do specialized tasks which becomes very costly.

4. Hardware Limitation:- Some of the applications require hardware with greater speed & storage space, which leads to more expenditure.

5. Human Supervision:- Computer work under human supervision. Man-made the program guide them to do. They themselves do not take the initiative.

6. Security Problem:-  Security measures have to be planned to restrict access to computer data and avoid manipulation by a mischievous/unauthorized character.

7. No IQ:-  Computers are merely machines with no IQ of their own. They need instruction for each and every step.

8. Virus:- The viruses may get inside the computer and corrupt the whole data stored in the computer the virus also make the computer very slow. The virus is very harmful thing for the computer system.