DBA (Database Administrator) is a person or group of persons who has central control over data the programs including the database system.

DBA (Database Administrator)
DBA (Database Administrator) is one who has central control over DBMS (Database Management System). He has the central control of both data and programs to access those data.

DAB (Database Administrator) is a person or group of person and they are most familiar with the database and are responsible for:
  • Creating
  • Manipulating
  • Authorizing access to the database.


  • Schema definition

The DBA (Database Administrator) specifies a database schema by writing a set of definitions.

  • Deciding the information contents of the database

It is the duty of DBA to decide what type of information is held in the database.DBA has to identify:

    • The entities of interest to the organization and
    • The information to be recorded about these entities

  • Physically organize the data

DBA decides how to physically organize the data. When any updations are done on data. DBA ensures that it is updated accurately.

  • Storage structure and access methods

The DBA creates an appropriate storage structure and according to the storage, structure defines the access methods.

  • Intermediator

DBA acts as an intermediate between the end-user and application programmer. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the DBA to provide support to the users, to ensure the availability of the data required.

  • Maintenance of database

The main goal of DBA is to maintain the database. DBA maintains the data and program. As requirements changes, DBA updates the database. He recognizes the database regularly.

  • Ensures the security of the system

DBA has to design and implement data security measures, to restrict unauthorized access. DBA must also ensure the integrity of the database.

  • Maintaining data dictionary

He maintains the data dictionary. The data dictionary is a database that contains "data about data".

  • Data implementation

DBA implements the database. He maintains the performance level of database, flexibility, and reliability.

  • Granting of authorized for data access

The DBA is also responsible for granting different types of permission to the users of the database. DBA decides which content of the database is available to the user.