There is a lot of advantage and disadvantage of DBMS (Database Management System). So, let talk about them:-


  • Redundancy control
Redundancy is the duplication of the same data at more than one storage place. Data redundancy has the following disadvantage:-

      1. Wastage of storage space.
      2. Wastage of time to enter the data in more than one place.
      3. Multiple levels of uploading.
DBMS control redundancy by ensuring that the data are not repeated many times.
  • Provides multiple users interaction
DBMS offers multiple levels of interfaces to enable users to access the database. These includes:
      1. A query language for casual users such as SQL or QBE to access the database.
      2. Programming language interfaces for application programming.
  • Easy and fast access to data
DBMS provides methods, which are flexible enough to retrieve the data. But in a file processing system, any request to access the data cannot be done until the programmer has written its application program. This, DBMS allows a more responsive data access system.
  • Sharing of data
This means the various users can use the same data in the database. Moreover, new applications can be developed according to the needs to operate against the same stored data. Data requirements of the various new applications are satisfied without the need of having separate data for each application.
  • Reducing application development time
Designing and implementing a new database may take more time for a new application. So, in the new application, there is no need to rewrite the database they share a single database.
  • Stong storage of data
The data stored in the database services after the end of program execution. Thus, the data in the database remains even after it has been used by many users many times. So, the users need not spend time to enter data every time they need to use the database.
  • Backup and recovery
Hardware failures and various types of accidents occur sometime. DBMS provides the power of recovery by maintaining its regular backup.
  • Flexible
DBMS allows changes to the structure of the database without affecting the stored data and the existing application.


  • Expensive
DBMS (Database Management System) is expensive because there are two types of cost software cost and hardware cost.
  • Complex
Database processing tends to be complex due to the complex structure. To handle a large amount of data sophisticated/good programming is needed.
  • Higher programming cost
Due to the complex structure, it requires experience programmers with complete knowledge. The cost of hiring fully experience programmers is high.
  • Recovery difficult
Data recovery in case of hardware or software failure is difficult due to the complexity of the database system.
  • Slow processing in some application
Due to an integrated database, may application processing may be slow.