• To organize memory in an efficient way in order to increase memory utilization is called memory management.
  • The part of the operating system that handles these jobs is called the memory manager.
  • Memory is a crucial resource that has to be rigorously managed. The operating system that manages memory is called a memory manager.
  • Memory management service is one of the basic services of an operating system.


  •  Keep track of the memory.
  • Allocate the memory when the process or program request it to so.
  • Deallocate the memory when the process or program no longer needs it.
  • In multiprogramming, it decides which process will get the memory when and how much.


  • To ensure the protection of various processes from each other.
  • To allocate memory to process in a way to achieve optimum utilization of finite memory and a high degree of multiprogramming.
  • To access the process/instruction stored in memory providing systematic addressing.


  • When the CPU generates an address, it is called a logical address.
  • In other words, you can say that a logical address is used to reference the information or data within a program's address space.
  • The logical address is also called a virtual address.
  • The set of logical addresses generated by a program is remarked as a logical address area.


  • An address that is obtained in the memory address register is called a physical address.
  • In other words, you can say that physical addresses represent the actual main memory addresses where the program/data are stored.
  • The set of all physical addresses reminiscent of all logical addresses of a program is remarked because of the physical address area of that program.
memory management