• A set of document that contains the clear specification of the functional, performance, design, and interface requirement of the proposed system.
  • A basic purpose of the SRS is to fulfill the communication gap between the user and the developer/system analyst.
  • SRS is a medium through which the client and user requirements are accurately specified.
  • It is one of the important steps to develop software.
  • A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) could be an elaborated description of a package to be developed with its purposeful and non-functional needs.
  • The Software Requirement Specification document consists of all necessary needs needed for project development.
  • software requirements specification (SRS) could be a document that captures an entire description of however the system is predicted to perform. it's sometimes signed off at the tip of the wants engineering section.


1.  Completeness:- The SRS should include significant requirements, whether relating functionality, performance, design, attributes, or external interface.

2.  Accurate:- In SRS there should be correct/accurate requirements because the incorrect set of requirements can not satisfy the customer needs.

3.  Unambiguous/clear:- An SRS is said to be unambiguous/clear if all statements written in this read the same meaning to different peoples.

4.  Consistent:- An SRS is said to be consistent if there is no conflict/war between requirement.

5.  Traceable:- The SRS is traceable if the origin of each of the requirements in the SRS must be clear.

6.  Verifiable:- A  requirement is verifiable if and only if there exists some cost-effective process that can check whether the final product meets the requirement.

7.  Valid:- A valid SRS is that where all parties related to the project can understand and accept it.