TCP/IP is a protocol that makes possible to communication between different type of machines on a different type of network. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)/IP(Internet Protocol) model also called Transfer Control Protocol.

  • It is developed by the United States development of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) originally created TCP/IP to connect military networks.
  • It is the most widely used protocol for interconnecting computers.
  • It is a protocol of the internet.
The operation of the internet can be described in terms of several layers or protocols. The collection of layers and protocols that describe the operation of the unit is formally known as the TCP/IP model.

The 4 layers or protocol are:-

  • Application layer
  • Transport layer
  • Internet layer
  • The host of the network layer


  • The TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model starts with the application layer, so it is the first layer of this model.
  • It is the highest level of the layers of the TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model which is on the top of the transfer layer.
  • It contains all the useful application protocols.
The protocols contain in this layer are:-
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  • DNS (Domain Name System)


  • It is the second layer of the TCP/IP model or the Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • It comes after the application layer or before the internet layer in the TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • It is designed to destination machines to communicate with each other just as in the OSI transfer layer.
  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol)


  • It is the third layer of the TCP/IP model or the Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • It comes after the transfer layer and before a host of the network layer of the TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • The internet network-level protocol  IP(Internet Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Management Protocol) handles machine to machine communication.
  • The primary protocol used to move data is IP (Internet Protocol).


  • It is one of the last layers or we can say, the fourth layer of the TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • The host of the network layer is also called a physical layer or data link layer in the TCP/IP model or Transfer Control Protocol model.
  • It is actually responsible for the actual transfer of data across the physical network.