• In the multi-processing operating system, multiple CPU's perform more than one job at one time.
  • Its aim/goal is to achieve increased speed or computing power.
  • It differs from the time-sharing operating system in the manner that it refers to CPU's.

there are two types of multi-processing operating system:-

  • Symmetric multi-processor
  • Asymmetric multiprocessor
type of multi-processing operating system

1. Symmetric multi-processor

In symmetric multi-processor, each processor runs a similar copy of the operating system and these copies communicate with one another when needed.
Symmetric multi-processor

2.  Asymmetric multi-processor

In asymmetric multi-processor, each processor is assigned a special task. In this plan, there is a master processor, and all remaining processors known as the slave processor are controlled by the master.
Asymmetric multi-processor
master-slave relationship


  • Better in all filed.
  • Better reliability.
  • Better utilization of the resource.


  • Large main memory is required.
  • Such a system is very expensive.

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